Where to Buy

All Rex boards can be ordered from VOIPAC, they manufacture and sell them.

FEDEVEL Academy developed the boards. We use them in online courses to teach people about how to design and program this kind of boards.

It’s always easier and often it’s also cheaper when you buy the boards, rather than manufacturing them by yourself.

iMX6 Rex

iMX6 Rex Development Kit picture

If you would like to buy the iMX6 Rex, you can now order it from VOIPAC in the following configurations:

iMX6 TinyRex

iMX6 TinyRex development kit

If you would like to buy the iMX6 TinyRex, you can now order it from VOIPAC in the following configurations:


OpenRex with OSHW Logo 640px

If you would like to buy the OpenRex, you can now order it from VOIPAC in the following configurations: